Chrisy Salvati

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Chrisy has been practicing Kundalini Yoga since 2013 & is certified by KRI as a Kundalini Instructor. Through her dedication to her sadhana (daily spiritual practice), she can continuously work on her radiance so she can be a forklift for her students. She is devoted to sharing her love and passion of Kundalini Yoga and the sound vibration of the gong. Chrisy is an active member & graduate of the Gong Avatar Academy Training led by master gong avatar Sotantar Suraj. After attending her first overnight gong concert, her love of the sacred sound vibration and healing of the gong began. She was blessed with the Avatar Sound name of Uma Devi, meaning the Goddess of Light and Beauty with the deep knowledge of balancing many Aspects. Chrisy is from Irvine. She attended Chapman University for her undergraduate degree, & National University for her master’s degree. She has a genuine love for teaching and has been an elementary school teacher for the past 24 years.

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